Just like regular physical calendars, themes are pre-made bundles of 12 high quality images that you can use as your background. Buying a bundle will let you use these images as long as you like, and you are free to change to other purchased themes or images any time you like.
Themes are available by visiting the store - clicking the link below in your settings page will take you to the store, where the available themes are listed
as well as links to use the ones you have access to, or to purchase the ones you don't.
From the store, you can preview the images first by clicking on the theme. If you like what you see, there will be a link to purchase the theme.
This will take you to Stripe to process the payment, and once complete, will return you back to the store.
If at any time you wish to cancel the purchase, it is fine to close that page, and go back to using calendar.
Once you've purchased a theme, the store should indicate this with a link to use the theme. Clicking this will take you back to the extension's options page,
with a code created when you purchased the theme. Note that these codes are specific to the user, so it is not possible to share the code with another user.
If you have any troubles accessing images for a theme you have purchased, or were charged for a purchase you didn't make, there are a few options.
Certainly! I'm always looking to extend the available set of themes. Please contact me using one of the two options listed above, and I'll give you more details on how that works for artists.